Character Counts
June 20 2000

"Pursuing Victory With Honor"

The love of sports is deeply embedded in our national consciousness. The values of millions of participants and spectators are directly and dramatically influenced by the values conveyed by organized sports. Thus, sports are a major social force that shapes the quality and character of the American Culture.

This was the conviction of nearly 50 influential leaders in sports, who convened at a summit conference held in Scottsdale, Arizona on May 25, 1999. The Arizona Sports Summit Accord was issued to encourage greater emphasis on the ethical and character-building aspects of athletic competition regardless of age or competition level. The Josephson Institute and the United States Olympic Committee, Coaching Division, sponsored the summit - "Pursuing Victory With Honor."

The CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition, a project of the Josephson Institute, is a partnership of nearly 400 national and regional organizations and local school districts. It was established in 1993 to raise awareness of the need to teach and model core values that are acceptable to liberals and conservatives as well as to secular and faith-based communities. Its initial spokespersons were Congresswoman Barbara Jordan and actor/producer Tom Selleck. These core values, known as the Six Pillars of Character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship.

With many success stories in schools and youth-service organizations across the country, CHARACTER COUNTS! has grown rapidly and has been adopted as a values-education framework for entire communities, cities and counties. National Coalition members include the National Association of State School Boards, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association, YMCA, 4-H, Boys and Girls Clubs, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America, American Youth Soccer League and Little League.

In the belief that the impact of sports can and should enhance the character and uplift the ethics of the nation, Character Counts! seeks to establish a framework of principles and a common language of values that can be adopted and practiced widely. shares these same principles and pledges support to this effort. We are in the process of developing ways that we can showcase those student-athletes who have exemplified the principles of good sportsmanship and the 6 pillars of character. Watch for our "SportsCombine Character All Stars" to be introduced in coming months.

Just as every coach teaches tactics, skills and conditioning on the field of play, so should we teach the importance of strong character helping to turn the tide of negative behavior. What is Character Counts! and how can you become part of the team?

CHARACTER COUNTS! is a nationwide nonprofit initiative to support nonpartisan, nonsectarian character education. In 1992 the nonprofit and nonpartisan Josephson Institute of Ethics released a report based on a survey of almost 9,000 people, most of who were in high school and college. The findings were disconcerting: cheating, lying, stealing, and drunken driving were commonplace.

Later that year, the Institute convened in Aspen, Colorado, a conference of educators, ethicists and nonprofit leaders. Their task: to share ideas about character development and to investigate ways of working together. Chief among these ways was developing consensus on the ethical values that could be taught at home, in the classroom and at the office without offending political, racial, religious, gender, or socioeconomic sensibilities. This is what they came up with in the Aspen Declaration of Education: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, justice & fairness, caring and civic virtue & citizenship. In a simplified form these came to be known as the Six Pillars of Character.

To advance the goals of the Aspen Summit Conference on Character Education, the Institute organized the CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition in 1993. Members of the coalition, a national, diverse partnership of schools, communities, education and human-service organizations, are committed to using the Six Pillars of Character in their individual and joint programs. The hope is that by using a consistent language with kids, the lessons of good character will be reinforced and better understood.

What exactly do these six pillars mean?

Be honest * Don't deceive, cheat or steal * Be reliable - do what you say you'll do * Have the courage to do the right thing * Build a good reputation * Be loyal - stand by your family, friends and country

Treat others with respect; follow the Golden rule * Be tolerant of differences * Use good manners, not bad language * Be considerate of the feelings of others * Don't threaten, hit or hurt anyone * Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements.

Do what you are supposed to do * Persevere: keep on trying! * Always do your best * Use self-control * Be self-disciplined * Think before you act - consider the consequences * Be accountable for your choices.

Play by the rules * Take turns and share * Be open-minded; listen to others * Don't take advantage of others * Don't blame others carelessly

Be kind* Be compassionate and show you care * Express gratitude * Forgive others * Help people in need

Do your share to make your school and community better * Cooperate * Stay informed * vote * Be a good neighbor * Obey laws and rules * Respect authority * Protect the environment

The coalition strives to build consensus that there are values that clearly define us at our best, however diverse our views and backgrounds. If character education is to be effective, diverse groups must work together, society-wide. A standard vocabulary is important because language is the "currency of communication" according to Josephson. And as with any instruction, effective character education and support benefits from consistency and repetition, from the family room to the school room to the locker room.

The entire team shares these same principles and pledges our support to this effort by fortifying the lives of America's young people with these ethical values, which transcend divisions of race, creed, politics, gender and wealth as described in the Six Pillars of Character. Watch for our Character Site, featuring articles, recognition of individuals demonstrating the Six Pillars, and featuring the Character All-Stars.

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